About Marquesitas Yucatecas (Traditional Sweet)
They are a dessert made with the sweet dough of the wafer that contrasts with the salty taste of Dutch cheese, from which they are stuffed. It is the most traditional Yucatecan dessert, its history goes back to 1937 and its creator was Vicente Mena Muñoz, known as Polito. Currently, it is possible to find them for sale in stalls in the squares, outside the churches and in the parks of the city; but the traditional ones with the original recipe of the family of Polito will find them in the Park of Santiago in one of the premises of the Market "Helados Polito", with more than 100 years of history, with sale in addition, of traditional ice creams.
More Information
The creators of Las Marquesitas are located in:
Street 72 x 57 and 59
Inside the Parque de Santiago, the place is outside the Market
Cellular +52 1 999-117-2194
Marquesitas Yucatecas (Traditional Sweet)