19 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Meats, cocktails, fresh fish and seafood from the region is the specialty of this restaurant an ...

Casitas Area Costa Esmeralda

Meats, cocktails, fresh fish and seafood from the region is the specialty o ...

Casitas Area 
19 usd
17 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

In front of the lagoon in Casitas, you can enjoy delicious dishes based on fish and seafood tha ...

Casitas Area Costa Esmeralda

In front of the lagoon in Casitas, you can enjoy delicious dishes based on ...

Casitas Area 
17 usd
Seafood and Meats Cuisine
14 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

The ideal place to enjoy the region's fish and seafood, whether prepared in broths and soups, i ...

Located in Tecolutla Costa Esmeralda
Mariscos y Carnes

The ideal place to enjoy the region's fish and seafood, whether prepared in ...

14 usd