Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
Le Chique, Puerto Morelos
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Cancún - Puerto Morelos Highway km 27.5 SM 12 Mza. 37
Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo
within the Hotel Azul Sensatori
160 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily, from 6 pm to 9 pm. Closed on Sundays

About Le Chique Restaurant

This restaurant is a celebration in all its senses, since its in food cuisine are reinvented to create something different and inventive. The chef of this very special kitchen is the chef Jonatán Gómez Luna who along with his gastronomic team has perfected the art and science of cooking, achieving dishes that represent the gastronomy of Mexico in a 25-season season tasting menu. It is also considered one of the most avant-garde restaurants in Mexico.
