Mansión del Molino, Tacámbaro
Mansión del Molino, Tacámbaro
Mansión del Molino, Tacámbaro
Mansión del Molino, Tacámbaro
Unparalleled panoramic view to the City
Morelos No. 450
Tacámbaro, Michoacán
within the Mansion del Molino Hotel
13 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily, from 8 am to 11 pm

About Mansión del Molino Restaurant

The Hotel Mansion del Molino restaurant offers the best of the culinary tradition of Michoacan where Purepecha flavors blend with ingredients brought by the conquistadors. In addition to snacks and dishes michoacanos have the option of enjoying a delicious American cut.

Hotels near
Mansión del Molino Restaurant

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