20 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily, from 8 am to 11 pm
About Café Pal Real Restaurant
The expression "de aquí pa´l real" means "from now on", specifically in Guadalajara, that good food and drink are on their way. So it is at this comfortable and popular breakfast/lunch. It is one of the most fashionable places in the city - on weekends, locals line up for a table at 'brunch' time. The kitchen is directed by chef Fabian Delgado, who bases his menu on what he finds in the market. It is simple and honest. The renowned ‘lonche de panza’ – a sandwich of pork belly - is the specialty of the house, but there are also elaborate and complex dishes, all based on traditional Tapatio tradition. And the coffee, prepared by barrista Fabrizio Sencion is superb
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Café Pal Real Restaurant
Café Pal Real Restaurant