Café des Artistes Los Cabos, Los Cabos
Café des Artistes Los Cabos, Los Cabos
Café des Artistes Los Cabos, Los Cabos
Café des Artistes Los Cabos, Los Cabos
Café des Artistes Los Cabos, Los Cabos
Café des Artistes Los Cabos, Los Cabos
Fracción Hotelera FH5 - C1, Subdelegación de la Playita
Los Cabos, Baja California Sur
in San Jose del Cabo, within the JW Marriott Hotel
54 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open Tuesday to Sunday, from 6 pm to 11 pm. Closed Monday

About Café des Artistes Los Cabos Restaurant

Exclusive restaurant where the finest Mexican flavors are concentrated with the best French gourmet techniques, creating a constantly evolving cuisine. The menu which opens in Los Cabos is a fusion of the best of 25 years of Café des Artistes, which already has a heritage and tradition in our country.
