Hotels in Nuevo Laredo
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Quality Inn Nuevo Laredo
From 109 Rooms
Enjoy the facilities that Quality Inn Nuevo Laredo has for you. You can spend moments of tranquility...
7 min from the Consulate of the United State...
Nuevo Laredo
Special Offer
Holiday Inn Express Nuevo Laredo
From 84 rooms
Spacious modern rooms with air-conditioning, Internet access, coffee maker, satellite TV, and iron.
5 min from International Bridge 2
Nuevo Laredo
Special Offer
Best Western Plus
Deluxe Grand Hotel
From 154 rooms
Luxurious, kitchenette, wireless internet access, telephone with 2 lines, satellite tv, complete ba...
1 block from Consulate
Nuevo Laredo
Special Offer
City Express Nuevo Laredo
From 107 Rooms
If you come to Nuevo Laredo and looking for a place to staying that offers the best service at an af...
15 min. from the Quetzalcóatl International...
Nuevo Laredo
Special Offer
Fiesta Inn
From 120 rooms
Fiesta Inn Nuevo laredo is an Eco-friendly hotel, so it is a 100% smoke free hotel.
8 kilometers from Quetzalcoatl International...
Nuevo Laredo
Special Offer
Real Inn Nuevo Laredo
From 120 rooms
It has rooms that fit perfectly to all the needs of our clients, thus achieving a spectacular stay; ...
10 min from the Airport
Nuevo Laredo
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Colón Plaza
Business Class10 minutes from Dowtown
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
Santa María
10 min international bridges
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
Mesón del Rey
opposite the Plaza Hidalgo (Square)
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
México Motel
in front the Telephones office
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
Posada Santa Teresa
between Camino Real and Hilton Hotel
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
4 blocks from the U.S. border
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
1 block of the Bus Station
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level
Villa Real Motel
near bridge 1
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Fee Level