Hotels in Hotel Area, Hermosillo
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at Hermosillo
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Araiza Hermosillo
From 159 Rooms
Modern hotel in downtown Hermosillo has a restaurant serving sophisticated cuisine served italiana.E...
15 min from the Airport City
Special Offer
Holiday Inn Hermosillo
From 132 Rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
7 min from downtown
Special Offer
La Siesta Motel
From 75 rooms
Located in the heart of the hotel zone, which makes us the ideal place to rest. Comfort, safety and ...
20 min from City Airport
Special Offer
Fiesta Americana
From 221 rooms
In one of northern Mexico's most important cities with significant economic and cultural development...
25 min the City Airport
Special Offer
Fiesta Inn Hermosillo
From 155 rooms
Fiesta Inn Hermosillo is an Eco-friendly Hotel, so it is a 100% smoke free hotel.
20 minutes from the Airport
Special Offer
From 89 Rooms
Contemporary style to make your stay a pleasant experience.
next to the Hotel Zone
Special Offer
From 102 Rooms
Bugambilia Hotel we have created an environment for you and your family feel comfortable and safe. A...
20 minutes from the International Airport
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
San Martín
4 blocks of the Fiesta Americana Hotel
Hermosillo, Son.
Fee Level
Hotels Zone
Hermosillo, Son.
Fee Level