Hotels in San Blas
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at San Blas
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Garza Canela
From 50 Rooms
It is the ideal hotel with the comfort, personalized attention and a delicate touch that go beyon...
near the beach
San Blas
Special Offer
La Casa de las Cocadas
From 15 rooms
You will be able to appreciate the sounds and colors that nature offers us in this place, an ideal h...
in front of the Building La Garita
San Blas
Special Offer
Posada del Rey
From 15 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
10 min walking from downtown
San Blas
Special Offer
Marina San Blas
From 11 rooms
With sea view, terrace, kettle and the best Nayarit coffee for free, TV, DVD, A/C and fan.
3 minutes from the Main Square
San Blas
Special Offer
Paraíso Kora
From 15 rooms
Simple hotel with rooms equipped with air conditioning, flat-screen TV and living room.
Hotel located in Los Cocos Beach
San Blas
Special Offer
Grand Bahía Los Cocos
From 46 rooms
Come relax with the best view and enjoy an unforgettable experience in a 100% family atmosphere.
Hotel located in Los Cocos Beach
San Blas
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Bungalows Conny
3 blocks from downtown
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Casa Roxanna
2 blocks from downtown
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Hacienda Flamingos
2 blocks from the main plaza
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Casa Mañana
Hotel located in Los Cocos Beach
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
La Misión de San José
3 min from downtown
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Bungalows Haramara
Bungalows3 streets from the Main Square
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Estancia Don Roberto
600 meters from the Main Square
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Hotelito Rústico
Hotel located in Matanchen Bay
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Fiesta Portola
7 blocks from the Beach
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Playa del Rey
one block and a half from the Main Square
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Marino Inn
4 blocks from downtown
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
Brisa del Mar
2 blocks from downtown
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
El Chaco
Hotel located in Matanchen Bay
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level
La Casa del Pelicano
Posada2 blocks from the Main Square
San Blas, Nay.
Fee Level