Hotels in Airport Area, Toluca
Book your Hotel with the best Offers and the best price in Airport Area, Toluca
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We are looking for the best rates for your trip
City Express Suites Toluca
From 91 Rooms
Hotel City Express Suites is perfect for you if you have an upcoming business trip or are planning y...
15 minutes from the bus station.
Special Offer
City Express Toluca
From 141 Rooms
The minimalist architecture of our hotels, as well as the interior design of each room is synonymous...
Hotel located in Lerma
Special Offer
Howard Johnson by Wyndham Toluca
From 122 rooms
In your Business Trips, Rest, Fun and more Quinta del Rey Express is your best option we are ready t...
in front of airport
Special Offer
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Zona Aeropuerto
From 280 rooms
Rooms with double/king-size beds; our suites have 32-inch LCD TV sets.
5 minutes from Airport
Special Offer
Courtyard Toluca Aeropuerto
From 153 rooms
Comfortable, spacious, recently renovated, perfect for the businessman.
15 minutes from downtown
Special Offer
City Express Junior Toluca Aeropuerto
From 106 Rooms
Aquí ofrecemos un espacio cómodo con las más modernas instalaciones y un diseño práctico para l...
Hotel located in Lerma
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Opus Grand Toluca Aeropuerto
Business Class700 meters from the entrance to the Airport
Toluca, Edo. Mex.
Fee Level