Triatlón Xel-Há 2025
Mexican parties and events in Cancún

About Triatlón Xel-Há
To reach the finish line you will have to swim in a beautiful cove, run on paths in the Mayan jungle and move at full speed on a bicycle through the beautiful landscapes of the Riviera Maya. And Xel-Há is the scene of this great event that is endorsed by the Mexican Triathlon Federation.
You can participate in any of its categories: Children, Junior, Novices, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon.
An important part of the Triathlon is caring for the environment as well as the conservation of sea turtles, a fundamental part of our natural heritage.
It also promotes green sports, promoting different sustainable practices, such as awareness of the use of chemical-free sunscreens, waste separation, the recovery of cameras for reuse, the reduction of prints and the donation of caps to swimming schools.
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Triatlón Xel-Há