Uayamón, Uayamón
Uayamón, Uayamón
Uayamón, Uayamón
Uayamón, Uayamón
Uayamón, Uayamón
Carr. Uayamón - China - Edzná km 20
Uayamón, Campeche
20 minutes from the Airport of Campeche
89 usd
average consumption
(food and soda)
Open: Monday to Sunday 7 am to 11 pm

About Uayamón Restaurant

It is located in the main building of the Hacienda Uayamon. The menu offers a mix of regional and international cuisine. The chef combines the culinary delights of the typical cuisine of Campechana with the irresistible mixture of European and Mexican flavors; most dishes are made with organic ingredients. Freshly baked bread is made on the farm and every day, local fishermen bring fresh fish.

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Uayamón Restaurant

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