Hotels in Downtown Area, Creel
Book your Hotel with the best Offers and the best price in Downtown Area, Creel
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at Creel
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Offers and Deals
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We are looking for the best rates for your trip
The Lodge at Creel
From 45 Rooms
We distinguish ourselves by offering a convenient list of services and making your stay a truly welc...
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Special Offer
Quinta Misión
Eco Resort
From 30 rooms
We offer an unforgettable experience, based on direct contact with nature and hospitality in a privi...
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Special Offer
Villa Mexicana Hotel And Resort
From 22 cabins
- internet
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Special Offer
From 8 rooms 9 cabins
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Special Offer
Los Valles
From 11 rooms
Double beds, satellite TV, mini split AC and wireless internet access.
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Special Offer
La Troje de Adobe
From 7 rooms
- internet
- parking
3 streets from the Plaza (Main Square)
Special Offer
Doña Crucita
From 8 rooms
Cleanliness, kindness and attention.
4 blocks from the Casa de las Artesanías Mu...
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
Hacienda Bustillos
5 min from the train station
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Posada del Cobre
at the entrance to Creel, opposite the petrol station Rodriguez
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Plaza Mexicana Margaritas
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Casa Margaritas
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Parador Santa Cruz
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Cascada Inn
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Paraíso Del Bosque
Hotel located in Creel Rail Road Station
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level
Posada Santa Cruz
Hostelone street from the Central Park
Creel, Chih.
Fee Level